To the next challenge!

I have done it! In three weeks, I will be unemployed! I feel so relieved. The weight of the decision and the delay is gone. When I told the team – they…

Falling back into old ways

I have been neglecting posting. Allowing myself to fall back into my old ways. I need to make sure that I keep vigilant and make time for my thoughts. I have been…

Feeling good

Last week, I finally couldn’t handle the stress anymore (read previous posts) and admitted it. My boss and others were very responsive and it has been such a load off my mind….

Speaking up

After my … some might call it a freak-out … I felt such relief. Not only did I still have a job but I had spoken up. I had let other people…

I did it… Almost

Yesterday, I hit my limit. I just couldn’t deal with all the stress any more. I sent a text to my mom “I am going to put in my notice tomorrow”. I…

Unity – 1st baby steps

Since I had purchased a few Unity courses on Udemy, today I thought it might be a good time to download the dev kit. I saw you could start with Standard or…

Today is September 11

September 11 is always an emotional day now. It has become the “Where were you when …. ?” question of recent years. People remember and discuss how that day happened for them…

Teeth metal popcorn ban

I think I am getting close to the end of a self imposed sentence. My current employer’s dental insurance benefits included adult orthodontia. A couple years ago, I finally took advantage of…

Feeling anxious today

I know I need a change – I just don’t like my life right now. I have been in the same place emotionally for a long time – feeling stuck and stagnant….