How do you go from idea to game?

People hear that I am a programmer and they always tell me that I should make an app. So easy! Until now I really haven’t had any ideas for apps or games. Now I have a few. The next step is to actually execute on one of them. To publish a game I need ambition, time, and knowledge.

I have a been a web developer in the past but have been doing backend Java programming for that last 4 years. That is along time in programming world. I don’t know anything about game development. It is hard to have ambition, if I don’t know what I am doing. To learn a new tech takes time – time I would love to use actually just creating something.

Recently, I have been experimenting with React.js to make a word game. So far seems fairly straight forward. And pretty suited to a word game and grid set up. Also, there are lots of websites and resources online to google and find how to do a task. Great!

But if I want to do something more graphical – I have NO idea where to start. Also, I think I have analysis paralysis – there are too many choices, so it is very hard to decide which one. Do I go with Unity? Can I do other things with React? Other JS frameworks or Python or something else ??

I don’t want to make the next Call of Duty – those take tons of people and tons of money. I just want to make something fairly simple – a single game board with different levels.

I would love to learn on one of those games that teaches children programming but some of those are only with blocks. Learning with blocks to put together scenarios are so great but maybe overly simple for me. Some of the video courses on Udemy or other platforms are very dry – so it is hard to stay motivated.

Does someone have any ambition they can give me?

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