Today is September 11

September 11 is always an emotional day now. It has become the “Where were you when …. ?” question of recent years. People remember and discuss how that day happened for them – how they experienced the disbelief and trauma.

When I was growing up, the question was “Where were you when JFK was shot?” I didn’t get it then – how something can stick in everyone’s minds and hearts. Then when I was in 6th grade – we were all gathered in the auditorium to watch the teacher – Christa McAulliffe – go into space. It was a celebratory day – probably in part because we were getting out of normal classes. Then it happened – the shuttle exploded. That day I started to understand a little of why something like that could stay in your mind.

But September 11 was bigger. It will always be a heavy, emotional memory. Where was I? I worked an evening shift, so normally I slept late. But that day I woke up early for whatever reason. I tuned in to NBC just before the second tower was hit. It was so surreal – how could it be true? The day just slowly unfolded and no one ever came on screen to say it was a hoax – like that War of the Worlds radio show. No one could say anything which could make it better, it just kept going. And kept getting worse.

Today, almost twenty years later they had a television broadcast of another memorial ceremony and the new museum located at the Twin Towers site. It looked beautiful and showcased the many people lost that day with pictures and even videos. I hope it helps soothe the hearts and souls of those who lost friends and family that day.

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