Teeth metal popcorn ban

I think I am getting close to the end of a self imposed sentence. My current employer’s dental insurance benefits included adult orthodontia. A couple years ago, I finally took advantage of it. I had palate expanders on the top and bottom, a herbst device – which is a torture device to correct an overbite – along with the traditional metal brackets. The only banned food (that I care about) is popcorn. I miss it so!

The palate expanders were pretty painful – I would turn to expand before bed. Usually the pain level was back to normal by morning. Though I heard stories from others who had to make more extensive adjustments – so in comparison, not too bad. The herbst was always a lingering discomfort – after an adjustment by the orthodontist – the jaw muscles stretched & tight to bring the bottom forward to align better with the top. That pain would last for days – I took a lot of acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

Getting the expanders and the herbst off were very liberating experiences but not in themselves comfortable. The devices were, of course, meant to stay on for a long time, so were secured very well to my teeth. Getting them taken out was a little laborious. Not for me, I just had to sit there and not move my head. But thankfully, the orthodontist and the assistants are a very skilled bunch – so it was over as quickly as they could do it.

During my last appointment there was another patient, a pre-teen, getting expanders out. He was not having a good time. Many “ow, ow, ow” and “no, no, no” were heard from the other end of the treatment room. I felt so sorry for him – but I know that he would be so glad to have that short painful time over with and the expanders out. The flesh around and under the expanders will be raw and sensitive for a couple days. But the prospect of not having to turn the expanders ever again is SO great! Hopefully, he is happier now.

For myself though I think I am getting close to the end of my journey. I don’t ask for dates – because I don’t want to be disappointed. So I only go appointment to appointment – 5-6 weeks at a time. Yesterday the orthodontist eluded to the end – for the first time during my treatment. I still am not going to get my hopes up, but looks like popcorn may be closer in my future than I thought.

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