Unity – 1st baby steps

Since I had purchased a few Unity courses on Udemy, today I thought it might be a good time to download the dev kit. I saw you could start with Standard or you could include a starter kit with tutorials in the download. Might as well – can’t be a waste of time to get a soft introduction. I chose the tutorial using a Lego mini game – Lego are always fun.

I started it up and it has platforms and a minifig with some boxes of treasure or something. I entered play mode to experience the game as it exists now. Wander the islands / platforms and run through the boxes to capture them. Back to editor to up the speed of the minifig. Yay! First modification done.

Then, it tells you to place a platform and make some orientation adjustments. I was able to move it around and place it where I wanted. But then it asked me to rotate it. I am not sure if I actually was doing it wrong – not completing the tasked as the tutorial wanted. Or if I was having issues because my computer was sounding like it was going to take off.

I suspect the latter. I will have to download Unity on my laptop which I use as a desktop. It has a little more power to try out the Unity dev kit. Hopefully, it will all work out and I won’t have to upgrade just to explore Unity. Of course, since I love also playing video games – an upgrade wouldn’t really be going to waste. 🙂

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